Bison Race Bison Race
9-11 мая
РГЦ Силичи
Bison Race
0% мест занято
Bison Race Bison Race
16 февраля
РГЦ Силичи
Bison Trail
0% мест занято


Our participants talk about it!


We’ve collected all the videos recorded and uploaded by the competitors at the race on July 2nd - 3rd, 2015 on our YouTube channel. Look and energize!


First Obstacle Extreme Run in Belarus

Extreme run – is a race with various natural and artificial challenging obstacles. Extreme run dates back as far as the civilization dawn when the man had literally to fight for his life to feed and protect himself.

The Bison Race will help you to discover your base human instincts.

A distinct advantage of the extreme run event over the typical cross-country competition is in pretty fun pastime and most of the competitors come here for the entertainment.

Those athletes who come to win will need to work hard at a distance to get to the podium. The Bison Race organizers will try everyway to suck you dry.

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